Галерия за съвременно изкуство Cu29 има удоволствието да ви покани на откриването на “ON THE BACK OF THE BEAST”, първа самостоятелна изложба на илюстратора Борис Праматаров в Пловдив!
Boris Pramatarov
The constantly changing environment destroys my stability. The evanescent pleasures are my dose obliviousness, but in this lethargy state I become more fragile. I can’t build a fortress on the surface of a river and the unsuccessful trials make me suffer. Considering myself a victim – this is the dark side of my weakness. The fear gives a birth to aggression. I am an afraid animal ready to fight back. The farthest thing that one victim can becomes is attacker. If I imagine my nightmares as beast, I have to know how to tame the carnivore, in order to use its power consciously. This is the only way for me to break the circle victim – attacker. My mortality is my guide.
There is a constant fight in my head. That fight with the monster makes me alive. If I can’t manage to improve my conscious and powers the evil beast will subdue me and I will become the monster. It will be uncontrolled. I will change in villain.
When I try to fight with the animal inside me, I should see in his eyes. If I don’t know it, I can’t become stronger and win the battle. It is important to know my nightmares and to overcome them, otherwise the beast will use them to attack. I am searching without fear at the bottom of my subconscious. I think about the ugliest images there and I try to understand why they exist. When I know myself really well I can try to find happiness, nothing can destroy or change my way. It will not be possible for the fear to frighten me. I can’t see the happiness if I do not know the suffering. Can I know something if I can’t compare it with the opposite? Can I know myself if there is no other people to compare with? May be without the other I will be just animal – searching for food, and looking how to satisfy my lust. The empathy, the dedication and many other human feelings will be unneeded.
Борис Праматаров е един от най-добрите съвременни български илюстратори и художници. Завършва магистърска степен в Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) Белгия. Работи активно в областта на илюстрацията, принт, анимационното кино и печатната графика.
Щастливи сме, че първата изложба на Борис Праматаров в Пловдвив се случва именно в Cu29.